Air Conditioning Services
Try Our Comprehensive Diagnostic Check!
Let Us Filter Out Your Worries!
Keeping You Cool And Pollutant Free.
Did you know that air con is not just a "cool commodity" to have during those hot summer days but it also filters the air taken from around the car before removing bacteria, pollen and pollutants for you and your family to breathe easy, not only this but the dry warm air can also demist windows effectively in the winter for those cold mornings.
With any valuable asset the system requires some level of maintenance to ensure that it does not fail you in your hour of need, let us service your system and recharge your refrigerant gas that could be old particularly if not used frequently, this will rejuvenate the system, we shall also vacuum check to ensure there are no cracks or leaks.
We can clean the system should you be experiencing bad odours from your airways, this is often caused by a buildup of bacteria on the evaporator producing the pungent smell. Our cleaning process will decontaminate the system and kill the bacteria where it lays.
Have a look at our other services such as vehicle safety check and coolant change to see if there are any other ancillary jobs that have been overlooked, or perhaps you don't need doing or buy tyres with our tyre search and find 4x4 tyres fit for any purpose. Take a look in a service centre located in Chippenham, Trowbridge, Marlborough, Calne, Warminster.