Mobile tyre Fitting 0800 254 5600 / 01249 447072

01249 477444

Royal Wootton Bassett
01793 853208



Loose Bike Wheels

Take Advantage of Our Remove And Replace!

We’ll Take Care of Old Tyre Disposal Too.

Are you located in Melksham and are able to remove the wheel from your bike in your own time? Then feel free to drop in and we shall happily fit your bike tyres, we can fit a range from economy tyres to top of the range, take a look at our bike tyre search to see which takes your fancy.

As a part of this service, we will remove your existing motorbike tyres and dispose of them before replacing the valve and balancing the wheel ready to be put back on the motorbike. All this for the best possible price when your cheap tyres are ordered to our branch.

We can provide the above service should you have already acquired them.  However, a charge would be applied to cover labour time resulting in this option being less economical.

At Wiltshire Tyres we also Air Con Re Gas, Diagnostic Check, Free Brake Check and provide MOT courtesy cars

With a complete range of vehicle services, we can make sure you are always covered.  Even if the problem is as little as a slowly deflating tyre.  We can puncture repair if your wheel has slowly deflated, bring it into us to locate and repair whilst you wait for a small surcharge.

Rather be dealt with from the comfort of your home? or would you like to avoid missing time from work emails and calls in the office? then maybe our mobile tyres are for you, we come to your chosen location to offer mobile tyres fitted at no extra time to yourself, check out mobile tyre fitting FAQs for further information.